Tuesday 28 April 2009

This is a good example of how tension can be used in display.

The fact that the manequins are so active is unusual and really attracts your attention. 

I also like that despite there is no actual movement, the 2 displays have a real sense of energy about them.
What I like about the bottom image is the transformation from one shape to another.

I also really like the way the birds have been made and displayed. 
I really like this display. Despite the simplicity of the objects created, the complexity of how they are used and arranged makes it a very engaging display.

Also the lack of colour doesn't create a problem. It makes it less easy to differentiate between the different objects and therefore requires people to look closer and pay more attention.

I really like the idea of mystery and curiosity that these example summon up. 

However I really don't like the use of colour in the bottom image. 
This is an example of the use of humans in display. 
Apparently clowns are of particular interest. 

Display - understanding what factors affect the impact of a display

I have been looking into the important elements of display to give me some ideas on how to set out and design my two projects. Both lend themselves to the area of display or exhibition.

I have found a book, "how to understand and use display" from which I have found a number of big factors that effect the impact of a display on the viewer.

1. Humans - it seems that us humans find nothing more interesting than each other. Therefor having a human figure or part of one in the exhibit can create greater interest.

2. Movement - anything that gives the exhibit a feeling of energy. This doesnt necessarily mean something that actually moves but maybe just something which looks like it is in motion.

3. Concealment - choosing what to conceal and reveal in  display is very important. This fits in with another important factor - Mystery.
Partially hiding sections of the display can inspire interest through curiosity. A lot of people take interest in something hidden.

4. Colour - this can have a great impact on the mood and atmosphere of the display. Also certain colours can communicate particular emotions or messages. e.g. red/pink for love

5. Masks - this is also connected to the idea of hiding things to create secrecy and curiosity about what is being hidden.
However masks also have the great power of transforming whoever is wearing it. They can exaggerate characteristics and express symbolism.

6. Lighting - the correct placement and colour of lighting can really bring a display alive

7. Shapes - shapes as well as colours affect peoples moods and emotions. Most people find smooth curved forms make them feel relaxed whilst sharp edged shapes create feelings of tension.

8. Tension - This has the function of tightening the given space and making things seem more lively. We naturally respond with the most focus and concentration towards those things that may pose a threat. There is an example in my research of a manequin shattering the glass of the exhibit. Not only is the pattern of shattered glass attractive but the violence of the act really attracts peoples attention.

9. Fantasy - This gives people the pleasant feeling of being led away from real life and allows them to see new and unexpected things.

10. Mystery - This can be created through the clever use of mirrors and hidden pictures

11. Exoticism

12. Nostalgia 


here are a few of the pages I searched through on the web site looking for motion sensors.